Sunday, June 1, 2008

Super Saiyan

Why the Saiyans went Super Saiyan

Goku went Super saiyan on Namek because Frieza killed his best friend Krillin. And the anger from that caused him to go Super saiyan Vegeta.
Vegeta went Super saiyan on a deserted planet (unknown to). He went Super saiyan because he was trying to be stronger then Goku for years. He tries so hard but he can't. Then it hits him he doesn't want to be stronger then Goku and it snaps and he goes Super saiyan Gohan.
Gohan goes Super saiyan in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He goes Super saiyan because he thought of him being so weak and all the people dying from hes weakness. If he was stronger he would of saved those people. That triggers him to go Super saiyan Goten.
Goten goes Super saiyan by fighting his mother in their back yard. Chi Chi nails Goten in the face. Goten doesn't need the rage of pain to go Super saiyan. He just needs to think of beating the person and that triggers his Super saiyan power. Chibi (kid) Trunks.
Trunks goes Super saiyan in the woods while fighting Goten. Same as Goten he doesn't need the rage. So he thinks of beating Goten and he goes Super saiyan. Future Trunks.
Future Trunks went Super saiyan in a city that the androids destroyed while it was raining. He went Super saiyan because the cold blooded androids killed his master and best friend, Gohan. In his time the androids destroyed everything in there path. They destroyed Piccolo, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Choutzu. Goku fell dead from a deadly heart virus 12 years before the androids attacked. Then they killed Gohan which caused Trunks to go Super saiyan.

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