Buu is the last enemy in Dragonball Z, he doesn't look very strong at first, but looks can be deceiving..... He can turn his enemies into his favorite food and eat them which then he takes on some of their appearences and powers. In the series we see different versions of him. At first we see fat buu which seems nicer then the others and acts like a child, the reason for this is because there was a war between all the kai's and buu even though buu was out numbered he was still a challenge for them and he went around eating all of the kai's and took their powers, Buu came went around eating them all until he came across one of the kai's who was fatter and seemed the nicest..it appeared this kai's quality was his niceness so after eating him Buu had some niceness in him but he still had his evil trait as the dominant one. Eeve so Fat Buu befriended Mr. Satan and Mr. Satan convinces Buu to be nice. All seems well until Fat Buu's evilness seperates from him so one is good and the other is evil then the evil Buu gets the upper hand and absorbs the fat Buu that Buu gets stronger and absorbs Piccollo, Gotenks and then Gohan! Veggetto comes and gets absorbed so he can rescue his friends from the inside since everybody escapes he turns into his real form kid Buu! Because there is no one else is inside Buu anymore he reverts back into his small weaker form but he is still very strong and pure evil since no good people were inside of him. He has no hesitation in killing and he doesn't toy around with his ememies like the other villans, he just kills them.